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Showing posts from March, 2022

Ayurveda is the oldest Medicinal System In the world - which is still utilized in the world under a different name.

  Ever since the origin of this universe, Ayurveda was already there and is still there and will always be there, Ayurveda has no end. It has been improved from time to time by great holy people, and it has been brought among the public to make humanity simple and effective in the form of an authentic research book based on linguistics and medical science. Indian system of medicine works to serve people and improve humanity. It is also mentioned in the Indian system of knowledge that some knowledge was conveyed to another person in a confidential state and today it happens that they never take credit for their work. In this way, wherever there are human beings and creatures on the whole earth and other planets, this knowledge has been passed on to them and they were given knowledge on the basis of their physical and natural environment, first it was oral and some writing, through sign language. was done Even today there are huge scholars in every corner of the world, who are working in

Ayursun helps to recover Abnormal Uterine Bleeding- “Coag Tablet”.

     Ayursun helps to recover Abnormal Uterine Bleeding - “ Coag  Tablet ” . In Ayursun Pharma's text, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is elaborated as Asrigdhara. It is caused mainly by the vitiation of Pitta Dosha with Vata and Raksha Dhatu. There are various treatment processes in Ayursun for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding like Internal treatment with medicines, external treatment, Panchakarma, positive lifestyle, proper diet and many more. The word Asrigdara explains prolonged, cyclic or acyclic excessive menstrual bleeding in Ayursun. Acharya Susruta added that it may occur as Intermenstrual bleeding also. According to Charaka, the women who excessively consumes salty (Lavana), sour (Amla), heavy (Guru), pungent (Katu), unctuous (Snigdha) food, the meat of domestic, aquatic and fatty animals, wine (Madya), whey(Mastu) etc. are prone to vitiation of Vata and Rakta. Thus, Rakta increases in its quantity (Pramana) and reaches the Garbhashaya through the Rajo Vaha Srotas. The vitia

How to Stop Hair Fall With Ayursun Pharma

How to Stop Hair Fall With Ayursun Pharma Ayursun Pharma, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of hair from part of the head or body. Typically at least the head is involved. The severity of hair loss can vary from a small area to the entire body. Typically inflammation or scarring is not present. Hair loss in some people causes psychological distress. Ayursun Helps to reduce hair loss and hair thinning has become increasingly common in a majority of people these days. While for some, it’s the genes that are to blame, for others, it’s the chemicals present in their hair styling and coloring products. So, how do you deal with this problem and eliminate it from the root? Should you use medications? Or should you try out natural alternatives? If you are currently struggling with hair fall or hair thinning - regardless of your gender - you might find this article useful as we have compiled our best advice on managing hair loss at its early stages .    Ayursun Symptoms of Ha

“Anxiety or Stress” Most common disease in the World!

 “ Anxiety   or Stress”  Most common disease in the World! Why are these terms suddenly becoming important in our life? Anxiety & Stress is   the most common worldwide disease throughout the World.  The reason may be factors like our disordered lifestyle, the influence of modern gadgets, excessive use of the internet, social media, junk foods, nuclear family, environment, toxin accumulation, exercise levels, and many more. Let us know about this in the vision of  Ayursun Pharma . Anxiety /fear  is a Mental Disturbance caused by overthinking about the “Future”, e.g. - mental anxiety & stress, strain, a natural tranquilizer, enuresis in children, sleeplessness, nervous and psychogenic headache, neurotic depression, anxiety neurosis, etc. Ayurvedic approach In  Ayurvedic , these mental factors are directly linked with the characteristics of  5 Energy Elements   of the universe in the name of  Vata  (Space and Air),  Pitta   (Fire and Water) and  Kapha  (Water and Earth) called Tri

Ayursun Ayurvedic Herbal remedies for Asthma

Herbal remedies for Asthma Asthma is one of the biggest problems in our country. There are lots of people suffering from this disease due to air pollution in our country, we know that there are lots of industries air pollution, for which there are lots of difficult to get fresh air in which the percentage ration is 51% of the pollution is caused by industrial pollution, 27 % by vehicles, 17% by crop burning and 5% by other sources which causes we are facing difficulty in breathing and causes many diseases like air pollution causes millions of premature deaths every year, largely as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections. Due to overconsumption of kaphaj Aahara, vihara like more intake of Heavy cold, sticky, lubricated food items, sleeping during the day, no workout, etc, This vitiated Kapha dosha causes obstruction of respiratory channels and again vitiate Vata Dosha. Therefore