Traditional medicine is defined as indigenous medicine that is used to maintain health and to prevent, diagnose, and treat physical and mental illnesses differently from allopathic medicine based on theories, beliefs, and experiences. In Asian countries—especially India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Srilanka, Myanmar, China, and Korea—the main therapeutic methods of TM consist of Panchkarma therapy, acupressure, acupuncture (Pinbhedan), cupping, herbal medicines, and manual therapies, etc. Asian medicine is known to have originated in India about 5,000 years ago. Traditional Medicine words come from Ayurveda. it is originated in India then spread entirely the world through Curiositer travelers, Like Fa-Hien, Ralph Fitch, Al Masudi, Hiuen-Tsang, Marco Polo, Abdul Razak, Megasthenes, etc. Interesting fact - the first Chinese traveler came to India - Fa-Hien The first Chinese pilgrim - traveler to visit India whose reco...
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